Officer Nominations
Church members should become familiar with the biblical qualifications of church officers and pray about those whom God may be calling to serve as elders and deacons. It is God who calls a man to church office (Acts 20:28). Our job is to recognize those whom God has called by discerning those men who fulfill the qualifications set forth in Scripture (e.g. Acts 6:3; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9).
Officer Vows
From the ARP Form of Government, Chapter IX
Do you believe in one God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- and do you confess anew the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, and acknowledge Him Head over all things for the Church, which is His Body?
Do you reaffirm your belief in the Bible, the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of the living God, the only perfect rule of faith and practice, infallible in all that it teaches, and inerrant in the original manuscripts, and to which nothing is to be added and from which nothing is to be taken at any time or upon any pretext?
Do you accept the doctrines of this Church, contained in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, as founded on the Word of God and as the expression of your own faith and do you resolve to adhere thereto?
Do you accept the government, discipline, and worship of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church?
Do you accept the office of elder (deacon) in this congregation; and do you promise to perform faithfully all the duties of the office; and do you promise to endeavor by the grace of God to live your life in Christian witness before the church and in the world?
Do you promise to submit in the spirit of love to the authority of the Session and to the higher courts of the Church?
Do you promise in all things to promote the unity, peace, purity, and prosperity of the Church?
Church members are welcome to submit officer nominations to the session (elders), who serve as the nominating committee. Before making a nomination, ask the potential nominee if (1) he believes he fulfills the scriptural qualifications; (2) he is willing to faithfully serve; (3) he can affirm the officer vows with a clear conscience.
The session will examine nominees in doctrine and practice, including questions about their personal faith in Christ and devotional lives, marital faithfulness and moral purity, commitment to Sabbath observance and to the Sunday afternoon Bible studies and prayer meetings, and willingness to faithfully carry out the duties of the office.
Nominees will also be asked why they believe they are called to the office of elder or deacon. Those nominees who pass the examination will be elected by ballot at a congregational meeting.
Officer Responsibilities
Elders are the shepherds and spiritual leaders of the church (I Peter 5:1-3; Acts 20:17,28-38). They oversee, care for, teach the Bible to, pray for, guide, correct, and guard the flock of God.
Deacons are servants (Acts 6:1-7). They carry on a ministry of mercy to those in distress or material need, oversee the church’s property and financial affairs, and encourage stewardship among the members. Their duties include the following:
Worship Assistance
Oversee the Sunday morning set-up team.​
Train greeters and ushers.
Be available before and after our worship services to greet others, especially newcomers.
Develop a plan for dealing with distractions and emergencies during the worship service.
Maintain first-aid supplies and insure that someone trained in first aid is present at each service.
Recruit someone to record the services.
Instruct church members in the wise and generous stewardship of their time, talents, and treasures. Consider offering a yearly Crown Financial study.
Formulate a proposed church budget, having conferred with ministry leaders and committee chairpersons.
Offer personal budgeting counsel to those who would benefit from such assistance.
Annually assess the adequacy of the church’s insurance coverage.
Work with the women’s hospitality coordinator to insure that meals are taken to the sick, bereaved, etc.
Seek opportunities to build friendships with people inside and outside the church.
Visit, encourage, and practically assist members and regular attendees in challenging circumstances, particularly the sick, the lonely, and the poor.
Help people find rides to church if they are unable to arrange their own transportation.
Assist widows and single women needing help with household repairs and managing their finances, insurance coverage, etc.
Explore areas where charity and deeds of mercy may be advanced.
Assess applicants for financial assistance and disburse financial assistance. When needed, help them develop a budget
Practice personal evangelism (Acts 6-8).
Help mobilize the congregation for evangelism in the context of mercy ministry.