Nursery Handbook
Objective #1: To maintain and promote policies that ensure each child’s safety at all times while in the nursery.
I. Volunteer Screening Policy
All volunteers must complete an application for service
All adult volunteers must have a "background check" by submitting fingerprint cards. To do this you must appear in person at either the Maryland State Police Barrack B (301-644-4151) or the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office (301-600-1046).
Both are located at 110 Airport Drive East, Frederick, MD 21701.
Directions: From I-70 East, take Exit 56. Make an immediate right onto Bowman Farm Road, then left onto Airport Drive East. From I-70 West, take Exit 56. Circle back over I-70 and take the first right after
crossing over the interstate. Go east on the access road and it becomes Bowman Farm Road, then left onto Airport Drive East.
Your fingerprints will be checked against state and local databases. You will receive a response to this inquiry within a few weeks.
Maryland State Police Barrack B
Fingerprinting hours: Thursdays, 12:30-4:00 p.m.
Payment & ID: Present a valid government-issued, photo identification and a check from the church for $5.00 for each fingerprint card required (usually two are required). If it is inconvenient to get a check from the church, please pay with your own check and the church treasurer will reimburse you.
Frederick County Sheriff’s Office
Fingerprinting hours: Wednesdays, 12:00-2:00 p.m. and 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Payment and ID: Present a valid government-issued photo identification. The Sherriff’s office only takes exact cash or money orders. Fingerprint cards are $5.00 each (usually two are required). The church treasurer will reimburse you for this expense.
II. Sign-In and Out Policy
All parents must register their children with the Nursery Supervisor.
Children new to the nursery should be signed in and given a name tag.
Anyone retrieving the child of a non-church member, other than the parent(s) who checked the child in, will not be allowed to retrieve a child without prior notification to the nursery worker.
III. Scheduling Policy
There must be a minimum of two workers per nursery at all times.
A minimum of 1 worker per 2 infants and 1 worker per 6 toddlers must be maintained at all times to ensure safe supervision of all children.
There must be at least one female adult in the nursery at all times.
Only pre-screened and pre-approved volunteers will be allowed in the nursery. Nursing mothers and parents helping their own child with separation anxiety will be the only exceptions.
IV. Diaper Changing Policy
Male volunteers are NOT allowed to change diapers or go into the restroom with children.
Diaper changing must always be done in such a way that another nursery worker can easily see the child being changed as well as the other children and workers in the room.
V. Policy Regarding Minors in the Nursery
Minors are not allowed in the nursery except during their assigned time slot on the schedule.
Minors must submit an application for service. They are not required to undergo a background check.
Minors 12 and older are allowed to serve in the Infant Nursery and handle infants in combined nurseries if they have completed a certified babysitting course.
Minors must always serve with another adult.
VI. Facility Safety Policy
The Supervisor will undergo Infant CPR training.
A first aid kit will be kept in the toddler nursery along with a basic first aid sheet and Infant CPR sheet attached.
Objective #2: Maintain and promote a clean nursery after each use to help prevent the spread of infection.
I. Cleaning Procedures
​The Supervisor should disinfect the nursery toys and equipment after each use of the nursery.
II. Wellness Policy
Parents will be asked to NOT bring their child to the nursery until at least 24 hours after any of the following symptoms have ceased without the assistance of medications.
Fever (100 or above)
Sore throat
Pink Eye or other eye infections
Green/yellow discharge from nose or eyes
Any unexplained rash
Skin infections (e.g., boils, ringworm, impetigo)
Objective #3: Maintain, promote and develop and nurturing environment that contributes to each child’s
I. Mental Development
Through quality toy selection and books, and items for creative play (older toddlers)
II. Social Development
By encouraging and teaching kindness with words and hands, sharing and taking turns.
III. Emotional Development
Through appropriate loving, cuddling and holding of little ones and modeling kind words and soft voices.
IV. Motor Development
By providing age appropriate toys (as space allows) for gross and fine motor skills and activity ideas for volunteers.
V. Spiritual Development
We want to promote the Gospel in the lives of children through the following and other similar means:
Worship Music
Teaching a few simple Scripture verses for repetition and theme, suggested by the Nursery Supervisor.
Books with spiritual teaching and Bible stories (age appropriate)
Modeling Christ-like character and gentleness in the volunteers.
Praying with the children
Activities that teach Scripture truths, suggested by the Nursery Supervisor.
Parents’ Role and Expectations
Parents using the nursery will be expected to serve a minimum of one time slot every other month. The nursery functions as a co-op with parents. If parents wish to use the nursery, they will be asked to also serve in the nursery as a volunteer.
Parents will be asked to bring a diaper bag with diapers, wipes, all necessary comfort items (excluding toys) and preferred snacks if child has allergies.
Parents will be asked to label all belongings that may be used in the nursery. A church diaper bag tag will provided for all registered children.
Parents will be asked to sign-in their child with all requested information, to use the permanent name tag provided by the church. Once the parents and children become well known in the church, name tags will no longer be required.
Parents will be asked to register their child with the nursery and provide all requested information including allergies and special needs information.
Nursery Volunteer - Job Description
Volunteers are to know and agree to follow the mission statement, ministry objectives, policies and procedures in Nursery Handbook.
When unable to serve for whatever reason, volunteers are to find their OWN replacement from the nursery schedule and THEN notify the Supervisor of the change. Volunteers should NOT contact the Supervisor to find a replacement for them. Volunteers should contact the Supervisor first ONLY in the event of a true emergency (after 8 PM the night before service).
Volunteers are encouraged to develop relationships with the children and their families and work to promote ministry objectives while serving.
Volunteers must arrive 15 minutes early and wear a name tag.
Volunteers should wear name badges so that visiting parents can better remember their names and be able to clearly identify them as our nursery workers.
Volunteers should introduce themselves to visiting parents who bring their child to the nursery, give a nursery pamphlet to the parents, and help their child acclimate to the nursery.
5th Week Volunteers will also be used as emergency substitutes.
Volunteers are encouraged to ask Jason Robling (ajrobling@msn.com) to provide a CD of the sermon they missed because they were in the nursery.
Nursery Supervisor - Job Description
Promote, execute, and improve upon the nursery’s mission statement, ministry objectives, policies and procedures.
Recruit, screen and train all nursery volunteers.
Manage the nursery schedule. Remind volunteers of service via phone the week of their upcoming service.
Clearly, firmly, and graciously correct nursery volunteers who are not serving in accord with our nursery policies and procedures.
Oversee the physical environment of the nursery including toy purchasing, stocking supplies and cleaning.
Provide each nursery volunteer a name badge to be worn during the service in the nursery and remind volunteers to wear their name badges.
Report to Pastor and Deacon Board any needs and issues concerning the nursery.
Substitute for a worker ONLY in the event of a TRUE emergency (after 8 PM the night before service OR when there are too many children and not enough workers and an emergency substitute was unable to be obtained).
Arrive 20 minutes early in order to:
Help prepare the nursery.
Help greet parents and children, especially families new to our church.
Assist with the check in process. Leave for church worship service at 10:25.
Be sure volunteers have everything they need to serve the children.